this afternoon eamon and i leave for nyc. this will be my 5th trip to my most favourite city.
trip #1 1965. i was 15 and my mother and i took the train from toronto. when we arrived she basically let me go. this trip opened up my eyes to a bigger world than i had imagined. and how i could fit into it.
trip#2 1995. 40 years later. i had returned to school to do my masters in painting. my marriage was coming to an end. this trip was all about art.
trip#3 2001. a reunion of 3 of my 4 siblings. a sight-seeing trip. first (and so far only) travel we had done together as adults. we returned home 2 days before 9/11.
trip#4 2007. i had always wanted to share nyc with my children. this trip, i took my daughter. she fell in love with the city too. this autumn she will take her husband for his first trip and share what she loves.
trip#5 2010 i'm taking my grandson. this will be a totally kid-oriented trip. eamon and robyn's children have planned it. robyn and i will tag along. because robyn lives in ny and we'll be staying with her, it will also be my first "insiders look" into the city. what a gift!
so so happy!!!
I hope one day to be there with you....
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