Monday, November 24, 2008

how i spent the "weekend"

for most craftspeople, this time of year, weekends don't exist. so - other than sleeping in a little longer, enjoying my weekly double cappuccino from the cafe, and a few moments with the saturday globe and mail, i was spinning. i'm hoping to take around 50 skeins with me (i've stopped putting them up on my etsy shop but did manage to sell a couple to a woman in helsinki - my first european buyer!) it's snowing this morning so not hard to turn up the heat (great for drying skeins by the radiators) and get to work...


Beth at WhorlingTides said...

Beyond gorgeousness!

bluebird of paradise said...

it looks like "my little pony" manes. Missed you on our walk. I took Beau and Lucky out the old highway.