keith works in the shipping department of the mill. yesterday this little fellow appeared and stayed all day, sunning himself on the land right by the wharf. he's at his "raggedy-jacket" stage - loosing his white coat. and to set the record straight (pamela anderson and ellen degeneres) the canadian government does not allow the killing of whitecoats. i am vegan and don't condone the killing of any animals. i feel that the newfoundland seal hunt (which began yesterday) is no more or less "inhumane" than the killing of any other animals. it's just that seals are cuter...
tomorrow i set off for san fransisco. i'm super excited. i won't be blogging till i get home on the 21st but then i'll have lots of photos of the trip. take care.
Oh...SF...have a great time and send lots of pics
Have a great trip, Shawn, and I'm not sure which is cuter, Keith or the baby seal!
bon voyage! I will miss you dearly!!
Keith looks to be in his element! Have a fantastic trip
Have lots of fun, will touch base with you when your home about Etsy.
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