Wednesday, April 7, 2010

what i knew then

i grew up in north toronto and moved into the city when i was 17. my first full-time job was in the music library at the university of toronto. it was, and still is, situated behind the royal ontario museum. i had a student pass, and every lunch hour, when the weather was bad, i would take my sandwich to the museum. my two favourite places in the museum were the textile section and the rooms of buddhist statues and murals. it took me most of my adult life to come back to textiles and buddhism.
on my one free day in toronto i went back to the museum. the spectacular new wing. and my old haunts.

1 comment:

Brendaknits said...

Last summer we took our grand kids to the ROM and then a couple of weeks ago we went tot eh AGO. Both renovated since our days of gong there regularly. They are wonderful places and their new architecture is breathtaking.