Monday, April 19, 2010

and what i learned

i've totally enjoyed and benefitted from my self-imposed 3 day "home-holiday" and woke up this morning excited about getting back to work.
on saturday morning abigail and i took our morning walk in the rain. i love my william morris umbrella (that i picked up at the met in n.y.c years ago).
i was again struck by his colours - the soft but strong juxtoposition. the strength of those "in-between colours". william morris has always been one of my heroes - his support of craft. his desire to surround oneself with beauty.
so this is my new inspiration. i'll be working for the next little while on yarn and shawl/scarves that are inspired by william morris.
it's so important to sometimes step back and wait for inspiration to come to you.

1 comment:

mo said...

hi shawn, might find some more inspiration on my William Morris blog:

I wallpapered a hall in my last house with your umbrella pattern and a kitchen in the second.