Monday, December 3, 2007


this was the first weekend i've had at home in over a month (november was craft fairs and visits and travel). although i work from home and what i do with my time is self-directed, weekends still feel special. keith is home. we sleep in later. breakfast is liesurely and saturday morning keith goes out and picks up our lattes and the globe and mail (i make the paper last all week and save the style section and the book section for sunday morning). sunday morning marilee and i got to the gym. it's so crowded late afternoon when i usually go, so sunday mornings are a treat because it's so empty. and this weekend i finally had time to redisign my blog. i like the lighter feel. now i have to figure out flickr so that i can get images of more work up.

there's just a light layering of snow on the ground, and because it was mild yesterday, i spent the afternoon in the garden cutting down dead plants and finished tying up the rest of the bushes. the garden is really ready for winter now.

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