over thirty years ago, when the university first opened up in corner brook newfoundland, marilee and catherine and i moved here with our young english professor husbands. we raised our children together. we laughed and drank and partied and cried together. the husbands are gone. the children and now grandchildren are all friends. i see both marilee and catherine often but it is only a few times a year that we all 3 manage to get together. yesterday morning- the first snow fall of the new year - we took our little dogs for a long walk around the pond. old and new.
how wonderful to have that sense of timelessness that comes from being in the same place and knowing the same people for a long long time. i enjoyed reading about your day (and life)
To me, it sounds like an idyllic lifestyle. My nomadic tendencies keep me moving. But I envy those like you with 30 years in one place with lots of long-time friends.
you are a treasure!
I envy you those years of friendship and history together.
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