Monday, January 18, 2010

the heart-ache

my grand daughter lucy is 4 1/2. just before christmas she started getting a weekly allowance. one dollar a week or two dollars if she has been "helpful". on friday she went to the store and bought a baby duck webkin. her first purchase with her own money. i talked to her on saturday and she described "puddley" to me. soft and white with a yellow beak and a shiny blue ribbon. he's a baby so has to sleep with her in bed under her yellow blanket. as i sat and listened to her on the phone i was looking at the front cover photo of the globe and mail. the ghostly image of a 5 year old boy pulled alive from the rubble of haiti. his family all still buried.

1 comment:

Taos Sunflower said...

While it's just horrid for all those poor people, the plight of these children, now and going forward, is just unthinkable, isn't it. It's breaking my heart, too.