we had a gathering of our craft group at barb's on sunday. the first since december so it was a good chance to chat and see what everyone has been working on since then. a few in the group got grants from the newfoundland and labrador craft council to help build studios so we heard how progress was going. brenda (brendastrattontextiles.blogspot)is taking a break from felting and has been working with shibori. rilla (marshallarts.blogspot)has a show of woven "graphs" opening in halifax at the end of the month and showed us some of the pieces she'll include. most of the women at the meeting are interested in opening up etsy shops (rilla's is up and running at www.marshallarts.etsy.com) so i gave a talk on etsy and how to navigate around the site. as always - just getting together. talking with other's who are spending their days as i am. invaluable.
wish I coulda been there!
I'm missing you!~ Today Lucky and I snowshoed all around Tipping Pond. It was glorious.
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