Thursday, December 8, 2011

slush. and the business of doing business.

i've been flat out the past couple of days finishing off some last minute little orders (to take into st. john's next week) and knitting commissions. and also taking care of the business. i'm still amazed that i ended up running my own business... yesterday i finally designed and ordered brochures (something i know i've needed at the trade shows). that took all day and abigail and i didn't get a walk.
my planned big walk with abigail this morning turned into my bundling up in rain/winter gear and dashing alone to the post office to get an express order off. abigail hates rain. and particularly hates slush. and wind. the forecast for later today is gusts of up to 130 km/hr. so i'm home. the fire on. the dye pots going. and alot of knitting to do today. now... what movie shall i watch on netflix?

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