Tuesday, December 27, 2011

down the bay

we spent yesterday at the cabin. a sprinkle of snow iced weebald and the blomidon mountains.

with the strong winds lately, with the freezing and thawing, we had ice jammed up right to the steps.

as always, the beach was a source of inspiration.

before i even got to the cabin, keith had the fire going and brought the temperature from below freezing to 20 degrees c. in less than an hour.
i brought down some work. drank green tea and ate christmas cake and indulged myself with quiet. the only sounds - the crackling fire, the pounding waves and the snoring dogs.


Taos Sunflower said...

How perfectly delightful. I envy you.

Joni of Fully Wooly Primitives said...

It sounds wonderful - my kind of day!