Sunday, May 3, 2009

a little sun, a little rain

when my family was young and we lived outside of town, we grew all our own vegetables. it wasn't easy. rock-filled soil and short growing season. but with a greenhouse and strong young muscles, it can be done. i'm getting back into vegetable gardening this year. i don't have the muscles anymore but i am getting a greenhouse (it's being built in pieces and will be assembled here by the end of the week). i'm shifting around my flower garden and making room for garlic and onions and lettuce and beans and snow peas and zucchini. in the greenhouse will be tomatoes and peppers and cucumbers. a couple of days ago i planted the garlic and onion sets. since then we've had warm weather. a little sun, a little rain. just perfect for the garden. yesterday abigail and i (along with brenda and blackie) got caught in the rain on our walk. i love abigail's "booffed" hair when she get's rain on it!


Julie said...

Hi Shawn

Your little Abigail looks like a sister to my Maddy. However, when I got home from the Craft meeting last month, Maddy had had a hair cut and all the "boofiness" is gone. Guess what? A Jack Russell underneath it all!

Janet Davis said...

I'll be watching for gardening tips- I've started growing things indoors so far, with a front parlour that's getting to be looking like a greenhouse! I've never grown anything before, and I'm a bit nervous about losing everything when I put it outdoors. We're building a greenhouse this year too.