Saturday, August 16, 2008

sugar sugar

the past 2 days have been solidly geared towards an 8 year old boy. swimming at the park and at the public indoor swimming pool . baseball under the lights. bike riding (a newly learned skill). the rest of the family arrives today for a week (my daughter and son- in-law and 3 year old grand daughter). so cleaning and cooking and baking.

last night keith took eamon to the movies and i staying home and carded and spun up this skein "sugar sugar" - shetland wool died with grass clippings and kool-aid, ramie, mohair fibre locks and angelina glitter. this morning it's drying on the line...

1 comment:

Shammickite said...

Summer fun.
Enjoy it while it's here.
Are the rest of the family arriving via TCH?
Hope they have goggles and flippers.