Monday, August 13, 2007

it's truely paradise

spent the weekend at the cabin. dark cove is a tiny "community" of 8 fishing shacks - halfway down the south shore of the bay of islands. it's a 45 minute drive from my home in corner brook. we tore down our shack about 6 years ago and rebuilt. the cabin is all windows - looking out at the ocean, the islands and behind at the blow-me-down mountains. it's truely paradise. there is no electricity, plumbing or running water (we get our water from the brook at the other end of the beach). life is simple at dark cove.
this weekend we had the beach to ourselves, and sitting out on the deck saturday evening we watched a mother sea otter fishing for her babies who were lined up on the rocks by our cabin. she delivered them a large flatfish as if it was a pizza.
dark cove is a good place to hook mats. i don't use a frame to hook so my work is portable. i love that the phone can't ring... i finished this mat yesterday. i'm part of the "fresh fish" show at fog forest gallery in early sept. so this will go there.

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