Friday, July 29, 2011

just hangin' out

yesterday eamon needed a day off. he's been here almost two weeks and flat out like an 11 year old is flat out. this week he's at basketball camp - full day- and then playing with robyn's fin and lucy after camp and into the evening on wednesday. so yesterday was a quiet day at home with nana. we:
1.continued our monopoly game (which finished off this morning with me being creamed by landing on his boardwalk hotel).

2.watched 2 movies (an airbender movie (eamon's choice) and great expectations (the 1946 b&w) my choice (which he actually is loving (we didn`t get to finish it last night because keith`s folks showed up).
3.researched how to make a jabbawalkeez`face mask out of plaster banadages and then walked downtown looking for plastic bandages (no luck so far so we may have to wait till we go to st. john`s next week to make it).

4. and in the lovely late afternoon, started reading `the hobbit`.
a perfect day together. eamon`s back for his last day of camp today. and i`m back at work.

1 comment:

Elaine Mari said...

your grandchildren so remind me of edith and alban. do you know someone at the hospital that can get you some bandage?