Saturday, October 22, 2011

jackson's arm. the project. part 2.

this is what greeted me when i arrived in jackson's arm this past week. rows of dyed and carded fleece ready to be spun. and a group of eager women ready to learn.

by the end of the 3rd day, the 4 or 5 women who persisted were spinning like pros and they'll now be able to teach the others who had spent more time carding and knitting.
and also teach others in the community. on the first day, a local teacher brought her little art class in - they were doing a unit on textiles - and they had a tour and a turn at carding.

and yes - i did teach plying...

and it wasn't all work. lots of tea breaks with deliscious homemade goodies

and lots of singing. and, when on the rare occassion. when everyone stopped talking and laughing, you could still hear margaret humming hyms. she found it helped her spinning...


Taos Sunflower said...

What will be interesting now is how they take what you've shown them and move forward, without lots of influence from anyone and using just their own inspiration. When do you follow up? Or is this it for a while??

Shammickite said...

Jackson's Arm sounds absolutely marvellous, I'd love to spend a few days there, maybe the ladies could teach me to spin, I'd love that!

stephanie222 said...

Thank you from all of us at Main River Academy for taking the time to show us your beautiful work and teaching us a little bit of what you know. We had a great time!

- Michelle, Sapora, Jenna, Jaguar, Cody, Cole, and Mrs. Nataile Jackson.