Friday, December 9, 2011

what happened last night

the weather was wild yesterday. warm south westerly winds blew in with heavy rains bringing frequent power outages all day. i would stop whatever i was doing and move to the couch in front of the big front window and knit. it made for rather a relaxing day. in the evening the wind picked up to gale force (gusts of 130 km/hr). during a wind storm i usually worry about the big old trees (birch and maple and poplar) that surround our house. but last night it was the house itself that took the damage. a storm window in the front room worked loose and blew off. the big tarp that keith tied down over the greenhouse for winter protection lifted and ended up down the hill. and late at night keith was standing in the back porch watching the wind and suddenly the lattice from the porch came off and blew past him. this morning we'll pick up the pieces...


Taos Sunflower said...

Wow, Shawn. I can't imagine. I'm happy that was the worst of it.

Julie said...

Hi Shawn,

We have had no power since last night at 7:30. We lost our boat house, which is one of those portables and also some siding. We are high up in Meadows and felt every gust against the house. It was frightening.