Friday, May 23, 2008

my birthday

today is my birthday. i always love my birthday. i feel strongly that it's a special day. there is always a light around it. i'm in st.john's this year. missing keith but happy to be spending it with my daughter, her husband and their children. today i dropped off an order at the craft council shop, did a radio interview for my show that opens tomorrow and edith and i spent the rest of the day clothes shopping at 2nd hand stores (i mistakenly gave all my summer clothes to the salvation army last december!). i'm very grateful for value village! we're having takeout chinese food for dinner and then going to a one woman play (at the lspu hall) written and performed by a childhood friend of edith's and directed by another. this morning i was about to walk with my grandson to school and told my grand daughter that i would be back soon. she said "good because i don't want to miss you anymore.


Shammickite said...

Happy Birthday!
And I hope you enjoyed the LSPU Hall, it's a very cosy little theatre, have been there a few times.
Good luck with your show, I'll tell my cousin to come to the gallery to have a look!

bluebird of paradise said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY dear friend. Hope you are having a wonderful day.